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Your Step-By-Step Accelerator To Business Success
  • Are you a start-up business?
  •  Working long hours
  •  Cashflow tight?
  •  Tired of not getting the results you want and know there has to be a better way?
You’re right. THERE IS A BETTER WAY.
 The Fast Track Start Up Program™
If you’re serious about taking your new business from ordinary to exceptional, then you’ve come to the right place!
As the owner of a start-up, you’re passionate about your business. You’re motivated. You have belief in yourself and your offering. You’re excited to let everyone know about your amazing venture. You’re working hard to turn your dream into reality and are counting on this to be part of your future. You now also realise there is so much to get done, clients aren’t coming in as quickly as you’d hoped, and cash flow is tight -money is going out faster than it’s coming in.

You’re not sure where to start, or are trying a lot of different things - HOPING it will bring you clients and sales fast. At this stage you’ll take anyone as a new client, so you can keep paying the bills. You know you need to put the work in to get the business going, but it’s all getting stressful now. You’re working long hours for little return - and it’s harder than you thought.

It’s overwhelming just thinking about all the things you should be doing, and there don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. You’re so busy, but still aren’t getting anywhere fast.

I’ve designed this proven step by step online program to provide you with the right plan, tools and strategy to achieve the rapid growth that you’re looking for.

This is what works in the “real world” and has achieved results for hundreds of small businesses like yours.
We believe in making business “easier, not harder” so we want to help you FAST TRACK results - by giving you the training, helping you learn new important skills, and providing you with winning resources, strategies, support and downloads that can be used in your business tomorrow!

Each module builds on the one before and is designed to be short enough to fit into your busy schedule, but you have access for long enough to give you the time you need to implement it in your business and teach you vital new business skills.
THE FAST TRACK START UP PROGRAM™ could be just what you need!
Who’s it for?
The Fast Track Start Up Program™ is especially for small business owners in their first few years of trading, who are serious about building their business, getting new clients, making more money and doing it in less time.
So is this you?
  • I’m worried about all the stuff I “should” be doing - but I’m so overwhelmed I don’t know where to start.
  •  I’m working really long hours, but things still aren’t happening as quickly as I’d hoped.
  •  I’m just not making enough money. At this stage, ANY client is a good client.
  •  I know what I need to do but I don’t know how to do it. I never realised it would be so hard.
  •  The long hours and the stress are starting to take a toll at home.
  •  I’m starting to doubt myself. I’m questioning whether I can actually do this.

If any of this sounds familiar, then The Fast Track
Start Up Program™ can definitely help you.
So, How does it work?
In just 6 interactive modules, we’ll focus on one of the key building blocks for any successful small business. You’ll be given my proven 6-step system to teach you the EXACT process of how to build your business from the ground up and fast track results in the next 6 - 12 months. This course CAN be DONE in 6 weeks, but you have access for 6 MONTHS!

You will receive exclusive access to key strategies, templates, resources, video, training, downloads, tips, and my “Golden Nuggets” all for you to use NOW in your business.

And, you won’t be on your own. We’re here to support you.  There is our exclusive closed Fast Track Facebook group which is a great place where you can ask any questions, share great business resources or your WINS, find accountability, or just if you want to know you’re on the right track. It’s here for you, and Fiona and the team will be in here regularly to help answer any questions and provide more help and assistance! This is a great way to connect with others who are on the same journey and know exactly what you’re going through.
The Fast Track Start Up
is designed
to provide you with
six crucial modules:
 Here’s an outline of what you’ll learn:
  • Business & Strategy - The Power of Planning
  •  Systems for Success
  •  The Secret to Sales… for the non-salesperson
  •  Mastering the Art of Marketing
  •  Building Your Winning Network
  •  Ramp Up Your Business without Ramping up your hours
  •  And the next steps
This program guides you through an easy to follow, step by step process to help you set up the foundations, generate new clients, increase sales and FAST TRACK results. 

We believe in “do it once, and do it right” and know this is the best and easiest way for you to build your business.
In just 6 modules you will learn how to:
  • Develop your own 90 Day Power Plan
  •  Create winning systems to position your business for growth
  •  Learn new sales skills to “ask for the sale” in a confident, natural way
  •  Introduce low cost clever strategies to market your company and generate new top quality clients
  •  Develop a strong proactive team around you and build your network to become your new sales people
  •  Create time saving strategies to help you Fast Track results and work fewer hours and to create the next steps for the success of your business.
Module 1 - Business and Strategy – The Power of Planning

This is where we start.It doesn't matter how long anyone has been in business – 3 months, 3 years or 30 years – every successful company needs a strong plan. This is where every successful business starts - and this can transform your company within 12 months. 

If planning isn’t one of your favourite past times - then we’re here to help – because we love Business and Strategic Planning. That’s why we have created to the point, easy-to- complete Strategic Plans that will help you focus on money-making activity, and ensure you are working on the right things, at the right time, in the right order, to get the best results.

This month you will learn how to create a powerful 90 Day Action Plan, to focus on important money-making activity, and how to hold yourself accountable to get results.
  • Learn the dangers of not planning – and the expensive lessons if you work without one.
  •  The 3 key questions you MUST ask yourself, and the simple steps in the process to safeguard your business.
  •  WHAT you need to do to keep it simple, practical and focused on clients, sales and increasing cash flow.
  •  HOW to tailor make your individual 90 Day Power Plan - and drive faster results.
  •  Put your own 90 Day Challenge into practice and have fun while you do it!
Module 2 - Systems for Success
Now you’ve developed your 90 Day Action Plan and you’ve set your goals, you know exactly WHAT you are going to do to drive growth in your business.

The next step is to put the systems in place to support this.

If you're serious about growing your business, you must have the systems in place first.

This is where many companies fail! They may grow quickly but they don’t have the internal structure to handle that fast growth and an influx of new clients. This can lead to chaos, and the business implodes.

That’s why the 2nd module is all about setting up your systems, so the business runs smoothly, you maintain your high service standards, clients are happy, and in turn refer more customers to you. This month you will learn the most critical systems EVERY business needs, how to avoid the most common mistakes, and the easy 3 step process to set your business up to scale and expand:
  • The 2 key things you should NEVER do as a start up.
  •  How to know what is important, what to prioritise and what is costing you time and money.
  •  How to make it easier for people to buy from you!
  •  Create your own cheatsheet and 3 step process to set up any system you need now and in the future.
Module 3 - The Secret to Sales… For the Non-Sales Person
With a firm foundation in place, and the internal systems set up to support your growth – now it’s time for SALES.

How do you feel about sales? Do you love it and can’t wait to sell something? Or could this be you, "I’m good at talking about my business but I'm no good at sales. I'm not confident and don't want to be pushy."

I hear this a lot from business owners and I do understand that not everyone finds it easy.

HOWEVER – this is one of the most important skills for you to master. Because you don’t have a business if you can’t sell what you do!

In this month you will learn clever strategies and beliefs about sales, we will show you the exact steps of WHAT your clients want, HOW they want it, and how you can GIVE it to them.
Plus you will develop your own winning sales process that you can use to convert new clients faster and easier. 

Learn the 7 key essential steps in the sales cycle:
  • The secret to successful selling and how you can do this too.
  •  How to convert more quotes, proposals, enquiries into sales.
  •  How to ask for the sale in a natural, confident way.
  •  Powerful closing strategies – EXACTLY what to say and HOW to say it to win the business.
  •  Develop your own winning sales process to use in your business immediately!
Module 4 - Mastering the Art of Marketing
Every successful business is driven by effective marketing. It's a skill which every owner- manager has to grasp – and quickly.

This module is all about how to use smart, low-cost strategies to attract your ideal clients who need what you offer, have a budget, value your services and can become the platform for your further growth.

This month you will:
  • Get to grips with marketing fundamentals, so that you can identify which strategies are going to work for you and determine where you need to start.
  •  Discover the most common (and costliest) marketing mistakes made by start-ups, and how you can avoid them.
  •  Recognise that not all customers are created equal! How to define and attract your Class A and Class B clients – and deter the Class F…
  •  Understand the real differences between online and offline promotion. HOW and WHY you need to get both working together.
  •  Learn how to present your services so that it's easier for your customers to buy from you.
  •  Gain 3 key marketing strategies that are easy-to- implement, low-cost – and proven to get RESULTS!
Module 5 - Building your Winning Network

As any owner-manager will tell you, trying to grow a business on your own is really hard. For long-term viability – and for the sake of your own sanity – it's essential to build and maintain a strong network around you.

Trusted, diverse and knowledgeable partners could help you transform your business.

Colleagues, associates, referral partners, suppliers, contractors, strategic alliances with complementary organisations.

It really is possible to have an amazing sales team – even if you don't have staff!

This month you will learn:
  • The 2 key strategies you need RIGHT NOW to establish your very own business network to help you scale your business.
  •  The skills to develop an external sales team who'll rave about you.
  •  Simple techniques to get people excited about what you do.
  •  How to network like a pro, including how to overcome the fear and shyness when you're faced with a roomful of strangers.
  •  The absolute turn-offs. What NOT to do and how NOT to behave if you want to nurture genuine long-lasting relationships.
  •  To identify who are your natural strategic partners – and how to nurture your relationship with them for mutual benefit.
  •  The importance of an effective, personalised referral program. How to design one that will reward your partners AND bring you more Class A clients.
Module 6 - Ramping Up your Business, without Ramping Up your Hours
No matter how busy you are growing your business, you still only have a finite number of hours in the day. You can increase your clients, your profits, your staff – but never the time available to you.

That's why it's crucial to make the most of every precious minute.

In this module, you will learn how to:
  • Use a specially designed Time Waster Checklist to see where you can save valuable work time.
  •  STOP procrastinating and wasting time on tasks that aren't money-making activities.
  •  Prioritise effectively. What's really important – when everything seems urgent?
  •  Harness the power of delegation, so you can focus on the things which bring clients and income through the door.
  •  Outsource. How to select the appropriate contractors and suppliers who can support your growing business, without having to employ full-time or costing the earth.
  •  Get more done in less time. 3 winning methods to get maximum productivity from every hour of every day.
Who is Fiona Clark?
I help business owners who are stressed, struggling to get new clients, not making enough money and frustrated at the slow growth in their business.

I help them to set up their business the right way, learn how to sell and market what they do, create the systems so the business runs smoothly to get more done in less time, and grow quickly, so they have more money, more time and more freedom.
A bit more about Fiona:
Fiona also knows what it’s like to build a business from the ground up. She has been through every stage that her clients have, so she walks the talk, and has learnt many lessons along the way. And through growing her own successful company, she has developed strategic dynamic business systems, training, coaching and consulting, tools and resources to help fast track others.

She’s now worked with more than 150 clients sole traders, start ups, established small to medium businesses to multi-million dollar organisations helping them to apply globally renowned strategies, and tailored to leverage their business.
"Works Hard for Her Clients"
Fiona is an astute and intelligent woman with heart. Growth, passion and success form her business repertoire and she works hard for her clients to ensure they reach their full potential and goals. Well done Fiona, a pleasure dealing with you!
Melanie Mitt, AER Ltd
Fiona is regularly featured in the media, including on the cover of NZBusiness Magazine, where she launched her highly anticipated BreakThrough Women in Business Program™, along with regular interviews on national and international radio, guest lecturing at leading Universities, conference speaking etc.

The Fast Track Start Up Program™ is the first time she has allowed her tools, resources, cheatsheets, strategies and formulas to be accessed online by others.Fiona is all about getting results with her clients. That is why the program is ONLY for those who are ready to have an open mind, learn new skills, and be prepared to do the work to get their own results.

If you commit to the program it WILL work for you!
"The amount I've Achieved is Amazing"
Fiona has helped me organise, structure, set and meet targets, and clarify what I do. The amount that I've achieved working alongside her has been amazing! I say, if you are thinking of getting Fiona on board, "Do it! And you'll see results quickly!"
Sharlene Ferguson, Focal Point Photos
Hear what other’s have to say...
Sales Module was a GAME CHANGER!

The Sales Module has been a game changer for me. 

I’ve realised there were so many holes in my sales process that was losing me a lot of money! I’m now feeling really confident about bringing in more business, and actually converting it when I do. I’m also going to follow up proposals now rather than just leaving them with the client.

-Michelle Sokolich, Show & Tell - The Fast Track Start Up Program Member™
Works Hard for Her Clients

Fiona is an astute and intelligent woman with heart. Growth, passion and success form her business repertoire and she works hard for her clients to ensure they reach their full potential and goals. Well done Fiona, a pleasure dealing with you!

-Melanie Mitt, AER Ltd - The Fast Track Start Up Program Member™
I'm excited again about my business!

As a small business owner Fiona gave me the confidence to think about my business differently. 

I have been in the Travel Industry nearly 20 years, and after working with Fiona I have increased the leads I am getting and turning those leads into actual sales. She has helped me identify new opportunities, and put good structures and processes in place, and take control of my business which has had a huge impact. She has enabled me to get excited again about my business and working with her is the best thing I could have done.

-Anita Gately, Anita Gatley Travel
Doubled My Business

Fiona has been invaluable to my business and has given me fantastic tools and strategies to take my business in the direction I want. Already I've doubled my business and I know Fiona's advice and coaching have helped me get there!

-Julliette Henderson, Your Property Manager
Our Bank Manager wanted to know how we got these results!!

In the past couple of years, we have had changes in ACC funding which affected our business and resulted in a large decline in turnover. We needed to change the way we did things and look at our business differently. 

We got Fiona on board and started developing new ideas and growth strategies. We have a number of staff and needed to work on establishing a sales and service mindset. Our turnover increased to the point our bank Manager noticed the results and wanted to know how we were increasing business! And Fiona has also given us and the team a new skill set we didn't have before, which adds strength to our business.

-Jo Coleman - Sports Injury Clinic - Northcross
No other business advisors/coaches come close to Fiona...

I have been working with Fiona just over a year and she has helped me build my business to what it is today. I have had a 75% increase in turnover. 

I would highly recommend taking the steps to bring Fiona on board in your business. I have come across many business advisors/coaches but no one comes close to the service and hands on approach like Fiona.

- Pauline Stockhausen, Social Soup NZ
Fiona gave me my road map to success...

I worked through Business and Strategy Planning with Fiona when I needed to gain clarity of where to take my business next. 

After completing the planning, I had a clear vision of where I was headed and was given detailed steps on how to get there. She gave me a road map to my success. I've gone from feeling terrified and confused to beng clear and purposeful. Fiona understood what I wanted and gave me great ideas and inspiration to follow!

-Dr. Shira Micheali, The Chiropractice
30% increase in Sales in 6 months

I worked with Fiona because I felt stuck and wasn't sure how to grow my business. We quickly put simple systems and processes in place with existing and new clients and sales grew rapidly. I created new information and marketing material which clearly explained what I do and the benefits to my patients, and this has led to me being invited to attend events and speak about my products and what I do. All of this means a huge increase in self belief when you see these good things happening. My income has also increased by around 30% this year. I could not recommend Fiona and what she does enough, it has been so valuable to me and my business.

Leanne Koorey, Family Focus Remedial Therapies - The Fast Track Start Up Program Member™
The amount I've Achieved is Amazing

Fiona has helped me organise, structure, set and meet targets, and clarify what I do. The amount that I've achieved working alongside her has been amazing! I say, if you are thinking of getting Fiona on board, "Do it! And you'll see results quickly!"

-Sharlene Ferguson, Focal Point Photos - The Fast Track Start Up Program Member™
90 Day Action Plan is GREAT!

Since joining the Fast Track Start Up Program™ I have written myself a comprehensive 90 day action plan and it has been great! I have it up on my wall next to my computer so I can look at it every day and actively check in on it to make sure I’m on target.

-Michelle Sokolich, Show & Tell - Fast Track Start Up Program™ Member
Already Seeing Results

Fiona has helped me with a strategy plan for the next 12 months of my new business. she took the time to truly understand my business and has come up with an action plan that is already seeing results. The action / activity plan is easy to follow and I can't wait to see the results that will follow. I can't recommend Fiona from BreakThrough Business Solutions highly enough.

-Samantha Ebel-Brown, Oil Tribe
Huge Growth Rate in my Business

I started working with Fiona for my 2 Physiotherapy clinics in Christchurch and Auckland. Since working with her, she has helped me achieve a huge growth rate in terms of patient numbers, resulting in an increase in turnover. I love working with Fiona as she has reputable experience as well as strategies that really work. she is also innovative and motivating, which I believe has helped me to see the increase in my business that I wished. I highly recommend her to anyone as a business consultant!

-Ariel Chuang - LifePhysio
Truly Exceeded Our Expectations

Fiona not only delivered the message; she took it to another level and well and truly exceeded our expectations. we have seen significant improvement in some of our franchisees' performance and sales in a short time... I would recommend Fiona's services to any company that wants practicality, energy and value for money.

-Paul Nielsen, Managing Director Hometech
Focused and Prioritised - Transformed My Business!

Prior to working with Fiona I was struggling with keeping too many balls in the air and realised I needed some professional assistance. Since working with her I have become more focused on the internal systems important for my business, prioritised my time and developed a growth strategy that fits perfectly with my goals and values.

-Sharyn Baines, Technology Trainer
Got on the right Track Fast

Fiona is fantastic! Being in my first year of business, Fiona helped me get on the right track fast, and without floundering around trying to figure things out for myself. She helped me set goals and plan for my first year taking into consideration what were the main priorities and also gave me tips and tricks to achieve my goals. And guess what - I did! I have just clicked over the first year and was thrilled with my results.

- Shannon Pepper Design
Are You Ready to Transform Your Business?

If you are thinking to yourself
"This is Exactly What I Need"...

You Need to Take Action Now!
Here's a recap of what you'll gain:
  • The EXACT 6-step system to teach you HOW to build your business from the ground up and fast track results in the next 6 - 12 months.
  •  Exclusive access to key strategies, templates, resources, video, training, downloads, tips, and my "Golden Nuggets" which we have spent years perfecting, and given to you on a silver platter
You will learn how to:
  • Develop your own 90 Day Power Plan
  •  Create winning systems to position your business for growth
  •  Learn new sales skills to "ask for the sale" in a confident, natural way
  •  Introduce low cost cleaver strategies to market your company and generate new top quality clients
  •  Create time saving strategies to help you Fast Track results and work fewer hours
  •  And to create the next steps for the success of your business
  •  On-going personal support - in our exclusive 'members only' Facebook group where you will have personal access to me, and importantly where you can interact with and get support from other members who are proactive business owners focused on growing their companies
PLUS more benefits you can enjoy:
  • Learning at your own pace, anywhere and anytime
  •  Gaining access to the game changing strategies, templates and systems which have been PROVEN to work with hundreds of businesses like yours
  •  Has achieved results for hundreds of small to medium businesses
  •  Acknowledgement and Certification on completion of the program
  •  Fits in with your busy schedule
And all this for the total investment of only $1,200 (+GST)

That's less than $50 per week to transform your business
OPTION 1) One payment of $1200+GST
  •  BONUS 1. personal strategy meeting with Fiona to be used whenever YOU need it! (value $300)
  •  BONUS 2. FREE ticket to Fiona’s sought after BreakThrough Business Seminars in Auckland, New Zealand ($197)
  •  BONUS 3. EXTRA 2 months FREE extension to your 6-month program ($200)

Enrol Now and Pay Monthly:
The easy monthly instalment option of 
3 x $460+gst per month payments

- perfect for those who want to work through the modules month by month as they are released!
Will This Work for You?
This Fast Track Start Up Program WILL change the direction of your business, but is only for business owners serious and determined to apply the principles they learn and take action. The bottom line is - we can provide the winning strategies, support, traning, etc (that are PROVEN to get results) we KNOW works and has created successful 6 and 7 figure companies, but it will only get results if YOU do the work. 

 So if you're looking for a "magic pill" or a "magic wand" that'll make you money, this is not the program for you.
Where would you like your business to be in a year, 2 years from now? About the same place you're at now struggling each day or on the FAST TRACK to success?

Stop wishing and hoping. 

 Start investing in YOUR business success TODAY!
Still want to know more?
Enter your details below to receive our great new report '10 Fast Ways To Get New Clients NOW!'
If you’ve been frustrated with the progress in your business and are prepared to put the hard work in, my high performance business training can provide you with the plan, tools and strategy and rapid growth that you’re looking for.

Take note - this is not an academic study course - but is a highly practical on-line program for small business owners who are determined to build an outstanding business from the ground up.

And all this for the total investment of only $1,200 (+GST)

That's less than $50 per week to transform your business
 I love working with owners of small and medium-sized businesses, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and these proven strategies with you.

Let’s get started NOW so you can get growing your business, make more money, get more clients and win back more time - the sooner the better.
30% increase in Sales in 6 months

I worked with Fiona because I felt stuck and wasn't sure how to grow my business. We quickly put simple systems and processes in place with existing and new clients and sales grew rapidly. I created new information and marketing material which clearly explained what I do and the benefits to my patients, and this has led to me being invited to attend events and speak about my products and what I do. All of this means a huge increase in self belief when you see these good things happening. My income has also increased by around 30% this year. I could not recommend Fiona and what she does enough, it has been so valuable to me and my business.

- Leanne Koorey, Family Focus Remedial Therapies
Are You Ready to Get Started to Transform Your Business?
Are you ready to FINALLY start seeing some REAL growth and money in your business?
LET’S Get Started TODAY - what you need is right here waiting for you, and this will be the BEST decision you make for your businesses future.
Email: info@bbsolutions.co.nz | Phone: +64 (9) 476 9407
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